Monday, January 31, 2011

Moved to Worship

It has been a while since I last posted, but today I begin again with a renewed fire.

I have often heard people discuss a life of worship; one who is sold out for the service of Jesus our mighty king. Today I went to a memorial service which made me ponder a different source of worship.... a death in worship. You see Glenda Bland, the woman we were remembering and celebrating lived and died as an inspiration of what worship was intended to be! Glenda poured her all into living for Jesus, so much that when she died those who knew her worshiped God because they knew she would be worshiping Him as well.... In Person!

Since Adam and Eve disobeyed God, sin and it's wretched penalty of death and separation from God have plagued us! Yet God in His mercy provided us an answer so we might once again live in true worship and communion with Him. He did this through the most awesome act of worship in the history of the world - God's son, Jesus, was obedient in worship (service) even unto death on a cross. Such an act of sacrifice, obedience, and worship has opened the door to salvation and worship to all who call on the name of Jesus!

So here is the question, "Will my life and death follow Christ's example and lead others to salvation and true worship of Jesus?" After the memorial service today, I began to ponder about what others will do when I die. I hope that my life and relationship with them reveals that my heart beats to worship Jesus! I hope that when I leave this life and stand in the presence of our Lord, those I leave behind will praise Jesus for allowing us to have had a life of worship together! Perhaps some of my favorite songs will be sung, such as "Blessed be the Name of the Lord," "Turn your eyes upon Jesus," "Oh What a Savior," and many others. I hope they are sung with a personal longing which pours out of hearts yearning for a closer communion with our Lord!

I want my life to help others worship God with all they have and all they are. Someday, upon my death and leaving this life to embrace eternity with my King, I pray all my friends and family, along with those who never met me but happen to attend the memorial service will all gather in true worship of Jesus! Then, let's have a reunion celebration in eternity, gathered with Jesus in the throne room of Heaven! Of what a day it will be!


  1. Dear Pastor Bailey,
    My Mother's life has the same effect on me. She never waived from her faith, she worshiped in good times and bad and she kept her commitments to God. Her life's challenges were many and although her dementia stripped away much of who she was it was never able to take her beautiful smile or her heartfelt "God bless you". She shared this blessing in gratitude for any small service to her or when parting from those she knew and loved.
    Although we cry because of our loss here on earth, we are also happy because we know that she now worships at the throne of her Lord.
    Thank you for for participating in her memorial and for sharing her life with your bloggers.
    Glenda Bland's daughter, Vurlenda Hill

  2. It was an honor to be there and share that moment with you! Someday, we will all gather for worship before the throne of Jesus! That day I will know your mother personally, as well as by the grand reputation which so many have shared with me. I look forward to that day!

    In His hands,
