Saturday, February 26, 2011

Talking Donkeys and Messengers of God

Today in my Bible reading I came to a favorite passage, one that encourages me as a preacher and as a follower of Christ.  You can check out the story in Numbers 22-24. 

The majority of this story is about how the Israelites have camped next to the Moabites who had seen how this traveling people was not one they could oppose. In response, Moabite king Balak contacts a prophet to place a curse on the Israelites.  There are several scenes which take place in order to develop the story, but we eventually find Balaam the prophet riding on his donkey to meet with the king, when the Angel of the Lord stood in his path.  What is interesting is that the donkey sees the angel and tries to turn away.  Balaam, not seeing the Angel of the Lord who is waiting in his path,  beats the donkey and yells at it to keep moving forward.  Finally, the angel of the Lord makes the DONKEY speak!

Numbers 22:28–35 (ESV)
28 Then the Lord opened the mouth of the donkey, and she said to Balaam, “What have I done to you, that you have struck me these three times?” 29 And Balaam said to the donkey, “Because you have made a fool of me. I wish I had a sword in my hand, for then I would kill you.” 30 And the donkey said to Balaam, “Am I not your donkey, on which you have ridden all your life long to this day? Is it my habit to treat you this way?” And he said, “No.”

Balaam was confronted by his donkey in order that God could gain his full attention and redirect him. The Donkey was God's messenger!

In a world where people want to listen to celebrity preachers, a society where we desire the insight of the famous commentators of scripture and "experts" on life, it is easy to think that God will not or cannot use ordinary folks in His work.  But God is never limited by our perspective, and this is why I am encouraged by this story.... If God can use a donkey to speak, to convict, to share a message, then God can use anyone who is willing to be obedient to His call. He can use me, and he can use you.  

How might God want to use you to speak for Him today?

Friday, February 25, 2011

A Change of Seasons

For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven” (Ecclesiastes 3:1, ESV)

Since my arrival at Hillcrest Christian Church in the summer of 2010 I have been deeply blessed to work with Spencer Long, Minister of Student Ministries.  While Spencer has faithfully served the students and families in our congregation, he has also become a dear friend.  We share a passion for seeing lives changed by the gospel while equipping the Church to faithfully carry out the mission of making disciples.  I have been amazed at the wealth of skill and ability God has poured into this man in the area of relational ministry, especially with those who Churches often struggle to reach.  Spencer has often been one to ask the difficult questions which help others re-examine their commitment to Christ, as well as the motives behind the activities of their faith.  With February 272010 being his final day serving at Hillcrest, I will miss working with Spencer.  I pray that God will pour out His blessing on Spencer’s life!

As Ecclesiastes 3:1 tells us, seasons change, and this includes seasons of ministry.  Interestingly enough, God is never at a loss for what the next season will entail.  He has greatly provided for Hillcrest through a united vision in our leadership team.  A former student in the HCC youth, Michael Ostick is our new Youth Leader.  A student of Ministry and Religious Studies through Liberty University Online, Michael is excited to take his on going education and put it to work as part of the Hillcrest Ministry team.

What we did not realize until recently is how God was moving well in front of us, preparing the next season of ministry at Hillcrest.  There is great peace to be found in that God has been preparing this transition long before we were aware of it.We will miss Spencer, and we are thankful for how God has used him in the life of our congregation.  Now we look forward into the new season of ministry with great anticipation of what blessings it may hold.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Lessons from being delightfully out of place....

Each Friday, my wife and kids head to a special enrichment program put on by MArCH, a home school co-op here in McKinney, TX.  Caleb and Michaela each take some fun and enriching classes while Eleanor assists the teachers.  But on this particular Friday morning my wife was feeling a bit under the weather.  Her role still needed to be filled, so Dad (yeah that means me) headed off to his first experience of MArCH's enrichment program.  

Upon arriving at the Church where the enrichment day is held, my children directed me through the set up duties which my family assists with each week.  As the signs were hung on each door and directions placed in each hall, I was impressed with the high level of organization employed by this outfit.  This became more apparent thirty minutes later when the near 500 people went about carrying on the days educational activities.

After my children headed to their first class, I went to see where I would be helping first.  This was the wild card of the day as this was my "available" time.  With terror I was assigned to the class for three year olds!  I asked the kind woman if that was "really" where they needed me, to which she assured me that i would survive the hour.  I was not so sure.

As I stepped into the 3 year old class,continuously repeating Philippians 4:13 to myself, God poured out his mercy!  The two mothers who were leading that class must have read the fear written on my face and quickly assured me that they had everything under control.  They welcomed me to enjoy the hour by taking a break.  Oh, yes, God's grace is sufficient!.  

In the next hour, I assisted in the Bottle Cap class. During the next sixty minutes, a dozen or so elementary children poured out their creative gifts in making all kinds of neat art projects.  The women who lead this class provide a fantastic environment for these young minds to expand the limits of their artistic ability!  To some this might just be another day at school, but I found it to be a great example of children learning to emulate their Heavenly Father's creative ability.

My third and final hour at Enrichment day was spent in Mathmania class.  Along with the teacher, I spent the hour working with several young boys who were learning about subtraction. The boys were  fascinated with the game we played, which was designed to teach subtraction through a story of paying a tax collector.  Impressed at the use of the story to teach math, it dawned on me that the greatest teacher ever gave his greatest lessons through stories.  If Jesus used this methodology, it is hard to argue against it's merits.

Overall, my morning of feeling out of place was actually quite fun.  I remain thoroughly impressed at the organization and dedication exhibited by March and the teachers of the Enrichment program.  As a parent, thank you for all you do!  You are greatly blessing the families of MArCH by helping us teach our children the way they should go so that over the course of their lives they will not turn from it (Proverbs 22:6).

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Witherington on Revelation

Eschatology is always a fascinating topic, one which produces all kinds of theoretical discussion which may or may not have any foundation in scripture.  If you are looking for a serious discussion of the book of Revelation while providing biblical answers to questions about the rapture, the millennium, and other terms which get tossed around  in discussions about the end times, then I have a recommendation for you.  Asbury Theological Seminary NT Professor Ben Witherington III has provided an outstanding resource to answer many of the most common questions regarding eschatology.  In this short text, Witherington provides thorough and accurate exegesis of the biblical text without losing his reader as he pours out incredible stores of knowledge.

Regardless of the eschatological position you hold, I recommend this text with full confidence that you will enjoy the read and gain new insights about the coming of our King.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

News that brings me to tears

Tonight as I was catching up on my facebook friends, I received a message from a man who I have not spoken to in several years.  Chris and I worked in surgery together back in Nashville, and I have not heard from him in a while.

This evening, my old friend and coworker brought tears to my eyes. You see, we worked together for more than three years (and that came to a close about 4 years ago), and during that time I shared what Jesus had done in my life with Chris on several occasions.  Each time there was a virtual non-response.  Sometimes Chris shared that he understood what I was talking about, but I often felt I was just not helping him much or that I somehow was letting my friend down by not having the right words to reach him.  When our family moved back to Missouri, I hoped that there was a seed planted in Chris's heart from our conversations.  I have often prayed for Chris, seeking the holy Spirit to somehow us any seed which might have been planted in Chris's heart in order to lead him to Jesus.

Tonight Chris brought tears to my eyes, and I imagine choirs of angels celebrating as he shared that He had turned to Jesus!  Tears fell from my eyes as I rejoiced over answered prayers for Chris!  Seeds planted four or five years ago have taken root along with others which have been planted since!  Thank you Lord God!  Thank you for working on us and through us, even when we feel we have not made a difference!

Friday, February 11, 2011

God blessed us with chicken!

I know it is strange to blog about fast food, but this is deserving.  I really love Chick Fil A!  What a great place to eat!  First, the service is always friendly; especially at the hwy. 380 and 75 location here in McKinney!  Second, the food is great!  Third, they are standing firm in the conviction that Sunday needs to be a day for their employees to worship God.  I must admit that many days after Church I have longed for some waffle fries, but my admiration for their faithfulness is stronger than my hunger.  We all need to follow such conviction in our relationship to God.

And there is another great reason to love Chick Fil A.... they have great customer appreciation deals through facebook.   By simply liking them on facebook you can receive free food on Fridays.  I know there are at least 2 locations doing this, one in McKinney, one in Allen.  I imagine it is common in many locations.  Check it out, and enjoy some Chicken!  I am going to later today!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Another Turning Point?

There are certain days which stand as turning points in our lives.  Looking back at my life, many of those days stand out as obvious turning points,  but I do not always notice the importance of such events at the time they are happening.  I guess hind sight is 20/20.  Examples of such turning points in my life include:
  • The day I was baptized at West County Christian Church
  • The first day I made a basket on the 5th Grade basketball team.  I fell in love with the game!
  • The day I met my wife!  Oh yeah, that was a great turning point!
  • The day I first scrubbed into surgery.
  • The day I became a Dad!  Love my kids!
  • The day I first felt God calling me to serve in ministry.
  • The day I first interviewed at Hillcrest Christian Church.

I could list others but I think that provides a general idea of what I am getting at. Perhaps you have had such experiences and as it past you thought, "This event is where God is beginning to point me in a new direction."  Have you had one of those turning point moments? 

I am wondering if today was a turning point in my life?  It all started Tuesday when my good friend, Caleb Kaltenback (Sr. Minister of Valley View Christian Church)asked if I could teach his preaching class this afternoon at Dallas Christian College where he serves as an adjunct professor.   It was a small class with several really neat students.  We had a fantastic time as we discussed narrative preaching.  Each of the students were deeply engaged in the idea of leading a congregation to that moment where the issues in the listener's life intersected with the biblical narrative in order to lead them to life transforming application of biblical truth.  Not sure about the students, but the guest teacher found the class to be most interesting!

When the class was over I realized how incredible the day was, how much I thoroughly enjoyed myself, and how so much of what I had just shared came from similar classes I took at Central Christian College of the Bible.  Then I considered the verse which two different mentors have taught me the meaning of, a passage which has become one of my life verses: “The things which you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, entrust these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also. ” (2 Timothy 2:2, NASB)

Don't start thinking that  I am about to change careers for teaching.  I will always be preaching, at least as long as the Lord allows me, and I hope to be at Hillcrest for a very long time to come.  What I am saying is that I see how God has invested in me through those who have taught me, and I feel that today God provided me a glimpse of another way I can pass on what I have been given.  There are further steps of preparation and education which need to take place for this to happen, but who knows…

Perhaps someday I will look back and see that today was an amazing turning point.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Roman Catholicism Approves Confession App?

The world is moving into new technological frontiers each and every moment. Virtually everything is automated and computerized these days, from your power company claims department to ordering pizza online. Evidently the Catholic Church is getting into the act as you can now download an app to confess your sins. (See: iTunes salvation: Roman Catholic Church approves Confession app -- Engadget)

I am not Roman Catholic, and although I find this unique leap into mobile computing interesting, it is also not needed. If we look to the Bible as our guide of practice of our faith in Christ, we will find no mention of confession to a priest (or an IPhone app for that matter). Instead, as followers of Christ we can take our sin and confess it directly to the Highest Authority.

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. (1 John 1:9, ESV)

Rest assured, the forgiveness of God that is found in an obedient relationship with Christ is not limited to the battery life on your Iphone.

Francis Chan on a life of prayer!

This link is to an incredible message given By Francis Chan (author of Crazy Love) at the Desiring God Ministries Pastor's Prayer Conference. It is a little long, but a fantastic discussion of how our God is passionate to answer the prayers of those who love Him. Check it out.

Prayer as a Way of Walking in Love: A Personal Journey 2011 Conference for Pastors The Powerful Life of the Praying Pastor: In His Room, With His Family, Among the People of God - Desiring God

Monday, February 7, 2011

Hillcrest is reaching out to flooded Riddle Street school

Today I received an email from our friends at 3E McKinney about a school in need of a place to conduct classes for a few weeks while repairs are made to their building. The Riddle Street Montessori School had a severe flooding problem when the pipes froze and ruptured.  Estimates of 4 feet of water ruined the small schools classrooms.

After a series of prayers, phone calls with the Church Elders, and a meeting with the president of the Riddle Street school, we agreed to being the temporary location for the school.

I love how Hillcrest Christian Church is stepping out in faith, reaching out to those God places in her path.  I cannot wait to see how God uses this!

Check out the write up in the Dallas paper through the link below:

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Happy Birthday, Dad!

 Today is Dave Bradley's 64th birthday! Throughout my life, my Dad has given me a number of gifts which are without comparison.

1. Dad taught me how to dribble a basketball, a love of which will always be part of me.

2. Dad showed me the value of an education and gave me every opportunity to grow in my education.

3. Dad, along with my mother, passed onto me a love of books!

4. Dad provided me an example of what it is to remain.  In a day where many families lack the father in the family portrait, my father provided me an example of what it is to be steadfast in commitment to family.

5. Dad shared with me countless nights watching the Missouri Tigers play ball!

6. Dad passed down to me a love of good ice cream.

7. Dad provided me an example of what it is to live out one's faith in Christ.  As an Elder in the Church, as a man living his faith at work, as a father living his convictions at home, Dad set a solid example for his kids to follow.

Thank you, Dad!  I love you and hope you have a very happy birthday!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Answered Prayers!

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen. ” (Ephesians 3:20–21, NIV84)

This morning, as I consider the incredibly awesome God who answers prayer more abundantly than I could ever imagine, the events of the last twenty four hours reveal a number of answered prayers:
1.       During the time the power was off at our house, we remained warm!
2.       Next door to our home lives a young couple with a 2 month old.  They had the same power issues and chose to go to a hotel.  I spent time praying for them, their family's  well being, and their child last night.  This morning I received a text from them that they were doing great, and that the power to their home was restored. 
3.   During the night, while our power was still off, we stayed with some dear friends who cared for us and even fed us!  A big thank you to the Christophel family!  Thank you for showing the kindness of our Lord in all you do!
4.       Yesterday evening, I heard word of several families having pipes burst.  I prayed fervently that ours would remain intact, even in a cold house.  God did not disappoint!  This morning, when we returned to the house, all our plumbing was still intact!
5.       When we returned to our house this morning, Eleanor got out of the car and smiled as she said, "I hear the heater working away!"  Sure enough, the power was on at our place as well!
6.       Our family had a great adventure yesterday, and God was the one steering the ship!  That is a wonderful blessing and incredible answer to a lifetime of prayers!

All of those answered prayers are wonderful, and there are many others which i am overlooking, but there is one in particular which is dear to me, the answered prayer which has poured God's fatherly love into this preacher boy's heart!  When we first felt god call us to move to Texas, I was excited, but there was a part of my heart which worried about what kind of relationships awaited us outside of Missouri.  Many nights I spent praying for God to surround us with deep and meaningful friendships and a loving Church family whom we could experience life with in Texas. 

Although we were already aware that many cared for us her in McKinney, TX, the last twenty four hours has been a blessed crescendo of answered prayer!  So many folks have reached out to us, offering a place to stay, a warm meal, called to check on us, prayed for us, anything they could do to help!  The Bradley family thanks each of you for loving us so much!  I praise God for such good friends, and  I urge you to keep showing the love of Christ to all you encounter!  You never know what kind of prayers God might be using you to answer!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Lessons in Contentment

Today has been far from a usual day in the Bradley family.  Ice covered roads and bitter cold temperatures have brought much of the greater Dallas area to a stand still.  Many businesses, schools and such are closed, the Church offices included.   But I have yet to mention the unusual part…. The power has been off for most of the day. No Internet (except on our phones, but this is limited due to depleted batteries), no television, no electric appliances, no lights…. You get the picture.

We do not have a fire place, and the entire house is powered by electricity, so our day has been an exercise in simplicity, humility, and confinement of warmth.  At first, we were mostly frustrated with the scenario, but in time I found some wonderful lessons in contentment in the day.

First off, although we do not have electricity, we are not suffering from the cold.  God has provided the warmth of family togetherness  in our master bedroom.  Since warm air rises, and it is the largest room on the top floor, we brought in a table and chairs and have done our best to accomplish all we can together.  We have gathered here for most of the day, playing games, children doing school assignments (we home school), sermon prep, reading books and a couple naps.  Now I am a person who likes some space, but the family togetherness is a great blessing! 

A second lesson was found in how well we have been able to accommodate each other.  In the hustle and bustle of life, we have often forgotten to show compassion to each other.  Confinement, even if just for the sake of consolidating the warmth in one room, has provided us the opportunity to love one another and care for each other  more so than we generally think about.  As a father and a husband, I am grateful.

Third, It has been a great day to read!  I am sure this did not come as a surprise!  God has blessed us greatly by providing His word, and so many other ideas in print to ponder in the minds he gave us.

Fourth, I have several times considered the size of quarters in which we have spent the day.  Although it is a small space in our home, it is far larger than most of the homes I saw in my time working in Haiti.  Today we have confined ourselves in this space by choice.  Others are confined to much smaller spaces out of need.  Still others just long for any shelter from the elements.  Yes, God has provided!  He has blessed me.  My heart has spent some time praying for those in greater need than mine today.  This minor inconvenience has illuminated my heart to pray for others who face greater hardships.

Fifth, we have added to our family legacy.  One of my mentors, Bill Star of Bowling Green, KY, once told me to see each day as an adventure with my family.  He said, "Always remember, you are writing your family's legacy."  Today, we have written another chapter!

Sixth, I made it most of the day without coffee.  Admittedly, my desire for caffeine is what motivated me to brave the icy roads  and get lunch (pizza) for the family along with a coffee stop at the local Starbucks.  My heart praises God for allowing us the privilege of enjoying coffee!

Seventh, there has been a fantastic gift of God's kindness through the blessing of friends.  Several calls of concern, several offers to stay over tonight.  I am finishing this post from the home of some dear friends!  God is so good!

Finally, I have spent some time in the Word, allowing God to speak to my heart.  I find it interesting how the Spirit uses our personal context to shed new light on a particular verse in a unique and personal way.  Today's events have certainly done so as I read the following passage,  “...I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength. ” (Philippians 4:11–13, NIV84)

I hope and pray you have been warmed by God's many blessings today.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Pondering Tozer

"Complacency is a deadly foe of all spiritual growth.  Acute desire must be present or there will be no manifestation of Christ to his People.  He waits to be wanted." - A.W. Tozer, The Pursuit of God.

When you step into Church on Sunday morning, are you excited to worship?  I have noticed in numerous congregations in the United States that there is often a lack of enthusiasm for corporate worship.  Even in congregations full of vibrant testimonies there may be few who really get excited for the opportunity to sing praise to the King.  It is not that they do not feel Worship is good, nor that Worship is unimportant, but rather the worshiper wears a great sense of complacency in the "task" of worship.  The desire to praise God is there, just not the desire to work at it.

How is it that we have the opportunity to have the most amazing eternal life, an eternal relationship with the all powerful king and creator of all that we are, yet we are riddled with complacency toward worshiping and connecting with Him?

Upon reading this passage in Tozer's The Pursuit of God, my mind pondered if the problem stemmed not only from what we are doing on Sunday morning but rather what we are neglecting throughout each week.

Are you today, feeling like so many others who are complacent your spiritual life?  Have you found it more and more difficult to set aside time with Jesus, reading the Word and talking to Him in prayer?  Has a busy schedule take the joy from your time with God and replaced it with momentary acknowledgements of His presence?

This is a growing epidemic in the World of the American Church.  Since we are "too busy" for an authentic personal relationship with Christ, we often look for a "fix."  It's not hard to find a book, or sermon online, from some prosperity gospel preacher or Christian sounding author selling the idea that God exists to bless us without any expectation of obedience on our part.  This message conveniently looses any mention of repentance, so the core focus is allowed to be on personal affirmation, prosperity, or whatever else you might feel you are lacking. There are countless people willing to tell you whatever tickles your ears about God provided you buy the book or send the check.

While this might sound like the quick fix, and we love a quick fix in this a "fast food society", the results of this fix are always empty and disappointing.  This leads to frustration and complacency.  The non-biblical expectations we place on God are often not realized because in our quest for His blessing our plans, we miss out on a relationship with the one who blesses.

God does have incredible blessings in store for all who seek him (Mt. 7:7-8, Lk 12:31), but this seeking is never an act of a complacent spirit.  The heart which seeks after God, thirsting for His presence and companionship, has much reward ahead of them including the steps taken each day with Jesus.  Another of the great rewards is the coming together each week with our brothers and sisters in Christ, following a week of walking with Jesus in prayer and personal communion,  pouring out our passionate praise in united chorus!  When God's  people lay down their complacency in exchange for the urgent desire to commune with God in Worship, both personally and corporately, our King will not need to wait to be wanted!  Our passionate praise and thankful cries will testify to God's desired call from the Church... the call to grow spiritually with Jesus!