Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Lessons in Contentment

Today has been far from a usual day in the Bradley family.  Ice covered roads and bitter cold temperatures have brought much of the greater Dallas area to a stand still.  Many businesses, schools and such are closed, the Church offices included.   But I have yet to mention the unusual part…. The power has been off for most of the day. No Internet (except on our phones, but this is limited due to depleted batteries), no television, no electric appliances, no lights…. You get the picture.

We do not have a fire place, and the entire house is powered by electricity, so our day has been an exercise in simplicity, humility, and confinement of warmth.  At first, we were mostly frustrated with the scenario, but in time I found some wonderful lessons in contentment in the day.

First off, although we do not have electricity, we are not suffering from the cold.  God has provided the warmth of family togetherness  in our master bedroom.  Since warm air rises, and it is the largest room on the top floor, we brought in a table and chairs and have done our best to accomplish all we can together.  We have gathered here for most of the day, playing games, children doing school assignments (we home school), sermon prep, reading books and a couple naps.  Now I am a person who likes some space, but the family togetherness is a great blessing! 

A second lesson was found in how well we have been able to accommodate each other.  In the hustle and bustle of life, we have often forgotten to show compassion to each other.  Confinement, even if just for the sake of consolidating the warmth in one room, has provided us the opportunity to love one another and care for each other  more so than we generally think about.  As a father and a husband, I am grateful.

Third, It has been a great day to read!  I am sure this did not come as a surprise!  God has blessed us greatly by providing His word, and so many other ideas in print to ponder in the minds he gave us.

Fourth, I have several times considered the size of quarters in which we have spent the day.  Although it is a small space in our home, it is far larger than most of the homes I saw in my time working in Haiti.  Today we have confined ourselves in this space by choice.  Others are confined to much smaller spaces out of need.  Still others just long for any shelter from the elements.  Yes, God has provided!  He has blessed me.  My heart has spent some time praying for those in greater need than mine today.  This minor inconvenience has illuminated my heart to pray for others who face greater hardships.

Fifth, we have added to our family legacy.  One of my mentors, Bill Star of Bowling Green, KY, once told me to see each day as an adventure with my family.  He said, "Always remember, you are writing your family's legacy."  Today, we have written another chapter!

Sixth, I made it most of the day without coffee.  Admittedly, my desire for caffeine is what motivated me to brave the icy roads  and get lunch (pizza) for the family along with a coffee stop at the local Starbucks.  My heart praises God for allowing us the privilege of enjoying coffee!

Seventh, there has been a fantastic gift of God's kindness through the blessing of friends.  Several calls of concern, several offers to stay over tonight.  I am finishing this post from the home of some dear friends!  God is so good!

Finally, I have spent some time in the Word, allowing God to speak to my heart.  I find it interesting how the Spirit uses our personal context to shed new light on a particular verse in a unique and personal way.  Today's events have certainly done so as I read the following passage,  “...I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength. ” (Philippians 4:11–13, NIV84)

I hope and pray you have been warmed by God's many blessings today.

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